
Data enrichment and customer insight in realtime.

With our cloud-based products, you can independently work with target group analysis, campaign selection and follow-up, automated reporting etc. We dress your customers with lifestyle, values and driving forces and make it possible for you to reach them in all channels. Enjoy the freedom of accessing our data when you need it.

Would you benefit from knowing any of the following in real-time about your prospects or existing customers?

Family composition


Children in household

Car ownership



Analytics Tools with Mosaic™

Segmentation Portal™


API Solution

Area Insight app för självständigt arbete med din områdesanalys.

Area Insight App

Segmentation Portal™

Segmentation Portal™ is an encyclopedia that provides you with all the information you need in your daily work with Mosaic™ Lifestyles. The tool is web-based and helps you build a thorough understanding of who your customers are and what audience you should strive for.


Add the power of Mosaic™ Lifestyles to your web analytics and advertising. With Samhub, you can add Mosaic™ data to your web traffic to measure the real impact of your marketing and target your advertising. All in one platform. 100% GDPR-safe. Use Samhub to create a clearer picture of your web traffic and what it means for your business.

API Solution

With our API service, you can automate addition of external data to your customer data in real-time. The service gives you the opportunity to evaluate and sort your customers and prospects in real-time in order to communicate relevant content in the right moment.

Area Insight App

With this app, you can independently and flexibly develop insights about the consumers in an area based on InsightOne’s extensive and refined population information. This gives you the basis for understanding which consumers are in your local market and getting better at adapting both market communication and store concepts and assortment based on these insights.

Area Insight app för självständigt arbete med din områdesanalys.

Freedom to access our data when you need it.

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